Cornet Bay makes cooking easy and delicious!
You can find our Cornet Bay products in QFC and Fred Meyer stores on the condiment aisle, and our seafood sauces in Walmart Supercenters at the end of the seafood case, inside the cabinet.

For a family that didn’t have any money to speak of, the Deckwas of Cornet Bay knew how to set a table with the bounty of nature. The freezer was always filled with salmon, cod, crab, clams, oysters, shrimp and more. My dad was a commercial fisherman in Puget Sound and Alaska, and my mother was always by his side. The abundance of seafood delicacies was never considered gourmet, it was simply our lifestyle.
History of Our Sauces.

Popular because of the wonderful added touch they give to all meat, seafood, and poultry dishes, they’re simply the best. So take some home and give em’ a try and you’ll see why.
Try Our Products.

Starting with Hot Smoked Salmon being sold in seven Nashville, Tennessee Kroger seafood cases, Cornet Bay has grown to include Sauces, Seasonings, Marinades, Mustards and more. Now that we are available nationwide, and on the internet, you too can add Cornet Bay products to your recipes and give them a more exciting flavor.
Find Our Sauces Locally.

A fond Cornet Bay memory is the wonderful smell of alder wood coming from Dad’s smokehouse, as he prepared his amazing smoked salmon. Share the memories and tastes of Cornet Bay with our recipes that have been tailored to our flavors, sauces and products.
Taste of Our Sauces.
CONTACT US for more information about Cornet Bay Foods.